3 Types of Paying Interest System

Well if you decide to invest in HYIP site, there are usually 3 types of paying interest system that HYIP

usually implemented. That is :

1. Automatic Payment

It means that we are not necessarily to do withdraw in the member area of our HYIP site, the interest will be in our e-wallet as soon as it reach 24 hour or the investment plan system of interest time. Me myself like this kind of payment, cause we dont need to check and recheck everyday to the member area, if it still paying it will be in our wallet, if it turned to be scam it will not in our wallet, as simple as that.

2. Instant Payment

It means that we need to manually withdraw the money from the member area, as soon as we request to withdraw our interest, the money will be in our wallet. This system is still very good system.

3. Fast Payment

It means that we need to manually withdraw the money from the member area, when we wtihdraw our interest, our withdraw will be in pending state. It because even it called fast payment, the payment is manually paid by the admin to our wallet, because of that, this kind of payment also called manual Payment. You need extra careful of HYIP site that apply this kind of payment because this kind of payment oftenly used by admin to paying people selectively. How can that be? Yes, it will filter the member and divide the member that is an admin of HYIP monitor, the one that active in forum, and the one that only invest. And then the admin will only pay people that are admin of hyip monitor and the one that active in forum so that it will likely fool people that think the HYIP site is still paying.

Again, there is no 100% guarantee of safe in HYIP, the one that implemented automatic and instant payment also became a big scam lately. Watch your investment plan, interest and withdraw daily, so you will minimalize loss in HYIP.
Readmore3 Types of Paying Interest System

What is Compounding?

in HYIP world we know there is a sentence that still like to be debates among HYIP soldier, "should i compounding in hyip?" , "why must i?" , why i must not compunding in hyip?" actually its all depend on you, but before you decide wether you do compounding, you should read the meaning of compunding below.

Compounding mean we are making more investment in the exact same HYIP site that we activate compound system again. But this time you are not spending any money in your e-wallet currency, how can? Well compounding system are it reinvest to the system with your profit in the previous investment.

Dont really catch it? well lets get to the example case below :

Let say that we are investing in hyip - A that makes profit of 3% daily. So in the next 24 hour we should get 3 % of our investment thru our e-wallet currency right? but there is a compound system in the investment plan and you choose to activated it with 50% compound, " 50%? what is that mean?". It means that you will be reinvest a new package of investment or you will be increasing your investment in the plan ( which one it depends on the system it self ).

a new package compunding
So if today you get 3% investment profit, and you make a compounding of 50%, it will do invest in more package plan if the funds are enough. example : you invest $ 1000 and you get $30 daily interest. when you activated compund button, it reserve $15 from your daily interest to make a new investment. Let say that a apackage of investment are $10, so the sytem will automaticly make 1 new package of investment resulting more $0.3 daily interest ( $10 * 3% ) in the next day. And resulting in left $5 in your HYIP wallet that you can withdraw or wait the next day so you can compund it for more investment package.

Increasing your investment amount
The second system in compunding is it automaticly increasing your investment amount. Example : you invest $ 1000 and you get $30 daily interest. When you get the $30 interest, system will automaticly add the interest to your investment plan resulting your investment will be $1030.

So whats the different?

The difference is in first system it will reinvest in a whole new pacakge resulting in variety of your expiring date of investment, cause you invest it in the different day. The second system is adding your interest to your investment instead making a whole new package investment, resulting only 1 package investment that activated.

The dangerous behind compounding
Compounding promises a good result of interest, but in the other side it also has a dangerous side. That is if the HYIP site is scam before you can harvest from your investment, so you will lose all your money and the interest. If you not activing the compounding you will loase all your investment but you still go money from the daily interest.

well, thats it choose your plan seriously, dont spend money that you cant afford to lose, God speed.
3 different investment plan that usually implemented
ReadmoreWhat is Compounding?

Choose Your Upline Wisely

why i must choose my upline? Arent if i register under someone i will only make him/her profit getting bigger? i prefer come from no other upline! and did my upline will invest some of their penny in my account? no right?!

lol XD

there are so many benefits that you get from choosing the right upline, for example if you do choose the right upline :

1. He can help you understanding about hyip plan that u signed under him.
2. give you a RCB ( Referral Comission Back )

what is Referral COmission Back ?
well Referral Comission Back or to put it simply RCB is actually your upline comission for sponsoring you to the HYIP site. the amount is different from every upline. there is someone that will give you 100% of comission that he got, but then there are also upline that will never give you any RCB. RCB usually  big at your first investment and will be reduced when you invest for the second time.

3. What your upline can do for you is he can inform you if there is another good site that worth investment out there.

4. Choose your upline that is from a big HYIP monitor site, with this kind of upline usually will give you 100% RCB and the other benefit.

Choose your upline wisely and... happy invest
ReadmoreChoose Your Upline Wisely

Tips and trick in HYIP

What you should be avoided from the game HYIP :

1. Never ever put the same user or password HYIP with your e-currency such as https://www.libertyreserve.com/, if you do the same user or pass your e-currency could be hacked 
2. Careful with HYIP that suddenly change of the rules of his plan and the profit. For example, at first instance HYIP's give 106% profit, but the next day suddenly became 200%. These characteristics of HYIP that will be scam shortly.
3. Use the email that registered to your e-currency to do transaction only, that means no emailing, or register HYIP with it.

4. Never reply any incoming email that is used to register your e-currency.
5. If there is an email from the HYIP site that you are in there or not,watch out for any link there. if there is any link that redirect you to your e-curreny, NEVER click it. if you do click it, all your money will be gone :(.
6. Never make more than 1 HYIP account in 1 IP address in the same site.
7. And for me, I usually never do any compounding before BEP i am doing this to minimalize loss.
8. Do control your lust.

Plus minus in HYIP
Plus : 
- Absolutely huge profit. 
- Investment plan money made from student size to the ultra rich size.

- You should be super extra careful in HYIP.
- There are a looooott of site that scam but still online. 

Usually HYIP admin used your money to :
- forex
- broker
- property
- commodities 
ReadmoreTips and trick in HYIP

Short, Middle, and Long Investment Plan in HYIP

There is usually 3 kind of HYIP Investment plan, that is short plan that is consist of only a few days and usually not more than a week investment plan, second there is middle plan that consist of a month investment plan. Third there are long investment plan that usually consist of about 3 month or more. which plan that are the best for investment? well heres the pro`s and con`s about each plan.

    1. short investment plan

         Pros :
  •  Short plan makes you faster in cycling the money or increase it in only a day or so.
  • The plan usually arent need a lot of money, $ 5 or $ 10 should do fine.
          Cons : 
  • Highest risk. Short plan HYIP site usally doesnt have a long life site, usually only 5 days and scam even there are some site that scam in the same day.
       2. Middle investment plan

           Pros :
  • usually a month plan that are quite acceptable daily % interest
  • You dont need a lot of money, usually $ 10 should do fine.
           Cons :
  • Middle risky, site that using this kind of plan usually hold about a month.
       3. Long ter investment plan
           Pros :

  • I think this plan usually come with the lowest risk,with plan that usually 3 mont or so making the site can hold the budget more stable. 
           Cons :
  • A loong waiting plan that sometime makes you forgot that you invest to this site.
  • daily % of interest that is usually small like 1.5% or 3%

well, thats it 3 investment plan that usually there in the HYIP site. Which one you choose is yours to choose, but whatever plan you choose know that ' Never spend money thet you cant afford ' Happy invest !
ReadmoreShort, Middle, and Long Investment Plan in HYIP